March 02, 2011

Stardoll, Your Opinions?

Welcome to my well overdue post.

Lately Stardoll has been making plenty of well need changes. The revolution that started it all for me was the upgrade given to the non superstar hair. Not only did that show Stardoll recognizing the non superstars, it also showed that they were making an effort to improve. Followed by that hair upgrade came a new beauty parlor, an update to some facial features and our latest upgrade, the skin tone. That was a big one for me because I felt that the other tones weren't expansive enough.

It's nice to see Stardoll taking some much needed initiative to help make the website a newer and better place. With all the changes, would we be greedy and ungrateful to ask for more? HELL NO!

Along with the listed upgrades, I'd like to see some other improvements. The first, and maybe a far fetched idea would be the Medoll pose. I believe we should have some interchangeable poses; I'm not sure how that would work with our existing wardrobe, but that would be nice to see. Something else that really bother me is how annoying the album is. I think opening to first two pages was a ridiculous idea. What's the point of making of cover if you have to turn back a page to see it? Also, updating and editing the album should go a lot smoother. My last complaint for the moment is the Stardoll layout. I'd love to see a much more modern setup instead of the childish digs we're working with now.

Those are my ideas; what are yours?


  1. Better Customer Service, as in an actual phone number we can call just like every other major company/business has. For the amount of money spent on the site that's not too much to ask. I thought that was going to be mentioned in your post, especially after what happened to Jenna today.

  2. Yeh maybe we can have button with few other poses and we can choose I am sure this would be hard for Stardoll to do but they can do it they get thousands of dollars and euoros aday from superstar people so .. Fair enough and I would like the to change the wardrobe's look maybe if we can change it's color or they make shop that sell us some decorations for it and there are some good options for non superstars too at it and we can put some paint in it and if we can change the floor it would be better then buying about 5 rags to cover the floor. :)

  3. I would love to have some kind of "search button" in our closet... I have tons of clothes and sometimes I spent like hours for find some pieces :S So then we could search our clothes by type, colour....

    I think they also should change the way to put our stuff on sale! I mean, I have like 200 pages of clothes and I spent lot of time searching again and again the same clothes for sell.
    Why not have an option to put on sale again and directly the clothes that are back after the 4 days..?


Nice to see you back! Oh wait. .. .who are you again?