April 05, 2011

Life Without a Computer

Have you ever wondered what your daily life would be without a computer? And I'm not talking about what it was like fifty years ago, but rather living in the modern technological day without one. Seems difficult, almost primitive, to live without one, doesn't it?

Three months ago, one of my close friends on stardoll disappeared without a trace. She was a relatively new member, so I thought maybe she got bored of Stardoll or decided she didn't want to spend time on it.

Today, I logged on to see a guestbook message reply from her saying she's back. Curious, I looked at her presentation and found this:

Three months without use of computer. No social networking sites, no access to websites like Wikipedia, no Stardoll (Oh, the horror!). And it makes daily life...better?

I myself have found that I get much too distracted with the internet. Not only with stardoll, but talking with friends online when I have more important things to do. It's a new way to procrastinate, and there are thousands of addicting websites that are easy to get hooked on.

It would definitely be an interesting experiment to stay off of stardoll for a while and see how that can affect one's life.

What's your take on this?


  1. I know it is possible. Years ago, researches for school are done with e use of an encyclopedia. You'd have to go through each alphabetically arranged pages until you find what you're looking for.

    The real question here is if the 'techy' generation of today would have the will power to do it.

    That girl has got some determination if i may say. :)

  2. Maybe I should try that! :) xx

  3. I was out a computer for a few months a year or two back. It was very hard at first for me, but later, I got pretty used to it, I still had a television, but, no matter how much people tell me how I procrastinate on homework because, I do it later than most people and sleep less(6 hours at most, rarely more on school days)

    It's just really a preference in my opinion it's not very hard, for me to do, anyways, I could just drop down my computer and read or listen to music and do homework.

    It saved me a lot of time, actually, I was still the same when it came to school, but it helped me get into more important things. A computer isn't everything, I go to school with a bunch of students who rarely read, they I know probably couldn't do it, but it's not hard if you have other things-resourceful things-to do.

  4. Where the hell are the posts about fashion? Goshh

  5. It's on here -------> Style.com

  6. I would almost die, see I'm addicted to using the computer and such so much.. sometimes, I don't finish homework :P

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  9. I visit them! Its tha best blog! They is Awesome!

  10. OH yes that's true! I visit them to.

  11. ...That's unfair...

    Is there an "it boy"?

  12. I won't be able to do it. Unless there's Stardoll on a typewriter.

  13. I would not be able to, end of. I have decided on a set date when I will leave stardoll and computers but for now I am holding on.

    She is amazing well done to her, thats some will power...

  14. I'm not buying the three mopnths without computer thing. Computers have been a part of our daily lives. So much so that we cannot get through a day without at least, interacting with one. She's just bullshitting in my own opinion.

  15. Did she leave on the mountains on those three months. If she did, then it's probabaly possible.

  16. She's got a lot of determintaion if this is true.

    Fuck of Ghangoora


Nice to see you back! Oh wait. .. .who are you again?