April 28, 2011

Scene & Heard winner!

Although some people in the comments seemed to have struggles choosing who to vote for, a total of 140 people seemed to be able to make up their minds. 45% of these people all voted for the same person, giving us a clear winner:  

(click to enlarge)

Congratulations Iovanca! You are the first ever Scene & Heard winner! You will receive 50 stardollars. 
Here is her winning scenery for your viewing enjoyment (:


  1. Congratulations! I love the scenery, I voted for it

  2. I voted for that... So happy it won! :)

    Congrats Ioana!

  3. Congratulations, your scenery was so deserving, I am glad it won :)

  4. Wow! i wasn't really expecting this! Thank youuu so much (hug)

  5. Well done, I voted for that one too!

    But can I just say, next time you post results I think you should only post the top 3 results, otherwise people start feeling really bad about themselves.

    But amazing scenery, deffo! (:


Nice to see you back! Oh wait. .. .who are you again?