May 06, 2011

Scene & Heard winner!

The votes are in, and although it's not as large of a landslide win as last time, we still have a clear winner. After 128 votes the winner is: To_Royal! Congratulations, you will receive 50 stardollars.

Here is the final results. I deiced to show the top 6 as, after Dei, 2nd-6th were all fairly close in votes.

Click to enlarge
Here is the winning scenery:

Did the person you voted for win? Will you participate in next week's scenery competition?


  1. Oh wow, 18 votes?! Thank you so much for voting, even though I didn't win, it was an honor joining and participating ;) I will definitely join next week's competition :)

  2. Hmm, not the best, but I like it. Congratulations to the winner!

  3. Not my favorite; the pose just looks so fake to me... but I congratulate her!!

  4. Oh well, I didn't win... :/
    But well done to the winner!

  5. I voted for this one so I am really glad it won. The yellow smoke really gave it the atmosphere you were talking about. Well done...

  6. Yay :D I thought for sure I was going to lose.. 0.o

    Thank you voters :D

  7. I've never really tried to make a proper scenery but I might try and participate in next weeks competition.

    Congrats to Dei!


Nice to see you back! Oh wait. .. .who are you again?