April 23, 2011

Gone for Good?

One particular Stardoll fixture has gone missing. Again.

Now I know a lot of us are immune to this kind of thing she pulls off but this is kinda different this time.

She didn't make much of a drama of it. Unlike somebody we all know...

Also, it seems like her closest friends didn't see it coming as well.

If this is indeed the real thing, what do you think prompted her to just go *kapouff!* on everyone?

If this is isn't on the other hand, how long do you think this is gonna last?

As of the moment her account has gone M.I.A.

Will you be R.I.P. now Loli?


  1. I wouldn't actually fall for this. But who knows, maybe she decided to already grow up and spare all of us the trouble.

  2. Hmm... She always seems to be the centre of the drama, so maybe she left because she was so fed up with the abuse she was getting from other users. Even though I didn't know her, she seemed like a nice girl, and I respected her... It's odd for her to leave without warning... Perhaps she'll make some form of contact in the near future... xx

  3. Stardoll could've just deleted her account
    ie, she didn't leave

  4. old news.. and besides, whatever, she'll be back

  5. It was strange how suddenly it happened,It was one day and gone.

    @coolgirl185 she put all her stuff away and wrote on her presentation she was leaving a few hours before it was taken off :)

  6. Sigh... give her a week...

  7. matbe someone was trying to hack her account again and so she deleted because of that or she got to many reportes !!! I never knew lolita , i am sure she'll be back !!!


  8. She seems pretty serious...but you never know :(

  9. She may have been deleted by Stardoll Admin. I know that some people have been complaining Lolita 'stole' from them. I don't believe it one bit.

  10. She'll be back. This is just one of her famewhoring antics.

  11. Well she didn;t make a big fuss out of it. So probably it's the real thing this time.

  12. Thinking aboutit now though, I hope she comes back. She brings more spice to an otherwise boring Stardoll life.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. One big Hurrah! for all of us

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I hope she does come back. Stardoll needs her at this time. LOLZ!


Nice to see you back! Oh wait. .. .who are you again?