August 27, 2011

Hurricane Irene

If you haven't already heard, the east coast of the United States is soon going to be facing hurricane Irene. She is expected to make landfall sometime in the next twenty four hours. The state of Maryland and New Jersey have issued a mandatory evacuation for their coast-side residents. North Carolina, Virginia and New York will also be in the danger zone.

Normally I wouldn't be so worried about a hurricane since I do live in Florida. They are of regular happening during this time of year. However, my boyfriend, who is a United States Marine, is located in Jacksonville, North Carolina, and is in harm's way at this moment. And due to orders by his command, he is not allowed to evacuate. This means he and the rest of the Marines of Camp Lejeune and surrounding bases such as Cherry Point, will have to stick it out until the storm is over.

I am making this post to ask all of MDM's readers to please keep my boyfriend and his fellow Marines in your thoughts as this storm makes it's way to land. Also, keep those that choose to remain in their homes during hurricane Irene in your thoughts as well.

I really want to thank everyone for all of their kind words, thoughts and condolences for my cousin, Emily. It was very much appreciated. I love you! And thanks again(:


  1. I am actually quite scared :/

    I live in Pennsylvania, and the news is saying we are going to be hit by HEAVY wind and rain! And my house has a lot of big trees because behind our house is a forest, so I am PRAYING, that the tree's don't fall!

    I a really scared :( I don't know. I just am :(

  2. @Austin

    I'm sorry to hear that you're scared for your safety): I do hope that your house and health remain intact. Just remember to stay away from windows and doors! And if you live in a house with more than one level, staying on the ground level is safest. This also means if you have a basement, steer clear of it. Being in a basement during a rain storm could be dangerous, due to flooding.

    Again, I do hope that you and your family are safe, and remain safe during the storm. My thoughts are with you(:

  3. aislin hun i hope ur boyf and his fellow marines stay safe and they r all in my thoughts and prayers x

  4. Thank you Aislin! I wish you the best with your boyfriend! Thank you for the advice!

  5. If you never made this post, I wouldn't even know about this hurricane. I hope it does not hurt anyone.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. We'll keep them all safe in our thoughts, hearts and prayers ^-^

  8. You sound like you're going through a pretty hard time :(
    First Emily and now your boyfriend, I hope he is safe- you never know he might evacuate or the hurricane might not hit as hard as expected.

  9. Wow, it's like... MDM is all your life...

  10. Where i live we get hurricanes all the time. Evacuating is so normal to me almost.

    Im keeping you all in my prayers!!!

  11. He is in my prayers Aislin (:

    living in England, i have never experienced a hurricane and don't really tend to either! it must be terrifying to think that one is coming your way. everyone in the U.S and anywhere else which could be hit. i hope no harm will come to any of you and your country.

  12. i live on long island and i really don't know what to expect. i've never experienced a hurricane before.

  13. O.o In the past 3 days there has been 2 earthquakes, 1 tornado and now a hurricane :/ I live in Canada so there won't be a storm here. But stay safe everyone!

  14. Its only a 2 also. 2s arent completely destructive and that bad. Now when katrina hit new orleans, that was horrible. Katrina was a 5. We had a 3 hit my home one time, and we had to evacuate. Even then, my house was still fine! A few houses were destroyed by a freak tornado.

    Ill be forever haunted by hurricane katrina.

  15. I am very grateful that I live in the western part of the US, the only thing I really have to worry about is blizzards and tornadoes... My family could have gotten hit, I think we lived in Texas, and like a few months after we moved away, a hurricane hit, I am so grateful, and I hope your boyfriend won't get hit, it is such a tragedy, this hurricane is all over the place, we keep on talking about it in my Earth Science class :P

  16. I am praying for all of the victims of this hurricane. Sadly, I live on the outer coast of Long Island, New York, where the hurricane is supposed to hit tomorrow evening :L

  17. My older sister is in New York because she goes to a college in NYC. I am REALLY worried.

  18. Remember to stay strong guys!!! At least you live above sea level. Those people down south live below it, so they will flood easy.

    @mskendall4198 i remember watching katrina. my mom broke down when the levee broke.

  19. I just hope everythings ok. They're making some parts of NYC evacuate.. I think I might leave too, but to say I'm worried would be an understatement.

  20. Ahw, this is so sad :( Not to add salt to the wound, but I'm glad I live in Norway as we never have any natural disasters, only human ones...

    I hope everything will be fine with your boyfriend and his friends!

  21. Agh! I'm so scared for it. Luckily no one in my state is being evacuated at the moment, I'm thanking God for that.

    I'll pray for your boyfriend and I'm so sorry to hear about it. It must be absolutely devastating. </3


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