…without the advent calendar. Every year we ask ourselves “Where is it? Where is the Christmas calendar?” It’s nowhere to be seen. We get excited as the 1st of December is closer, but we never know. If you don’t know what I am talking about the advent calendar also know as Christmas calendar, is a normal calendar with number from 1 to 25. Every day you open a gift corresponding to the number of the day you are in.
November 29, 2010
What would Christmas be like...
…without the advent calendar. Every year we ask ourselves “Where is it? Where is the Christmas calendar?” It’s nowhere to be seen. We get excited as the 1st of December is closer, but we never know. If you don’t know what I am talking about the advent calendar also know as Christmas calendar, is a normal calendar with number from 1 to 25. Every day you open a gift corresponding to the number of the day you are in.
November 26, 2010
Did Stardoll forgot something? Yeah, they did.
Yeah, I think that they did and they are trying to make up for it.
Remember that every time there have been L.E (Limited Edition) Clothes in Spoilers, along with them, a few similarly themed Charms were shown too?
Well Guess what?
You are nearly there, keep scrolling down.
Well, the chains and charms from the 1st & 2nd season were given but not the ones of the 3rd, 4th ... 9th.
Guess what there was today in spoilers...
... Nah, you are wrong. Guess again ...
Yes, you are right this once, the L.E Charms from the 3 last Collections were re-released in Spoilers today.
- Are they trying make it up to us for their "small" mistake?
- Was there a technical issue and now they fixed it?
- Tell us what YOU think.
BrunoExclusive's Unofficial Banner
Join the MDM family in welcoming BrunoExclusive.
Again, Welcome Home...
To Lolita, With Love
Lolita's first post, Memories From The Free Things has harvested mixed reviews.
And I wasn't surprised.
As I was writing a comment in defense of Miss_LolitaF at Stardoll's Gossip Girl, I thought of sharing my thoughts with our MDM followers. Besides, this is where all that craziness has started.
A couple of readers have actually responded quite positively. And some just wanted to be rude.When I posted my first article at PerezHiltonOfStardoll (Stardoll's Most Wanted) a couple of years back, I "suffered" the same negativity. Some loved it, but a huge chunk thought my article was quite lengthy, wordy & "not-kid-vocabulary-friendly", haha, whatever that meant.
I wanted to lash out at every single tasteless comment. I wanted to retaliate. I wanted to quit. But PerezStarGossip believed in me. And that confidence has challenged me to write better. And I THANK her fully for it.
Sorry Sci-Fi fans. I'm just not THAT into vampire ménage à trois or pre-adolescent magicians. .. . Come to think of it, I am quite addicted with World Of WarCraft. Oh well, but that's another story.
Aaanyway, this might not be Lolita's strongest welcome but let's see what she still has to say in her upcoming articles.
We just can't push someone down when she's just learning how to walk.
And yes, I actually DO play WOW. Level 50 Human Rogue/Engineer/Blacksmith
Duel anyone?
November 25, 2010
The Lovely Liu Wen
Now a little more about the fashionista herself. Wen was born on January 27, 1988, in Yongzhou, China.
I frankly am just in love with her!...<3
November 24, 2010
Those That Never Was
Time and time again, Stardoll would come up with various campaigns to well, simply put, make us spend, spend and spend some more.
C'mon... we are willing to spend. But we spend wisely! (or probably some of us like to think that we do. :P) Some of these items are just so-so, others can be worn once... but majority are just downright fugly.
Stardoll... I know you can do better than this. Please do.
...and while I am at it...
has anybody seen the oh-so-fab ruffle dress and the clutch bag with a crown lock below?
This is what I am talking about spending my money on. Delish.
Good vibes!
November 23, 2010
Memories from the free things:
When you think of the old free things what memories come in your mind?
- Tell us.
November 22, 2010
Miss_LolitaF's Unofficial Banner
November 21, 2010
Racism on Stardoll?!
It seemed like that for a moment, after finishing my biology homework on myosis in cells, I needed to log in to Stardoll. I started checking my guestbook to look at the comments and found some less "generous" ones.
November 19, 2010
Guess WHO!
Guess who she is and Follow her next move only here on...
November 15, 2010
Familiar? It Figures.
Not having any internet connection for two days disconnects you from the reality of the virtual world and it makes you notice a lot of things.
Too many things as a matter of fact.
... something about this black Panther seems so familiar. All TOO familiar.
Then it struck me.
Do you guys remember this?
This picture was a gift of Vittorio (I don't know if you still remember him) to both Isabella and myself when we first launched this blog more than 2 years ago!
Now look closer:
Is it possible? Did Stardoll really looked into our blog and got this image as an inspiration?
My inquisitve mind started churning again. I started to click away on Stardoll.com's new features and offerings. And not too long after that, I saw this old post of ours
What do the colors remind you off (well, aside from the obvious that it's Tiffanys)?
C'mon.. make a wild guess.
Got it?
So did I.
I am in love with the color of the Stardoll Diamond on my profile.... and i am so in love with the Tiffany Blue color on that article I made almost 3 years ago too. :)
Okay, okay... I may be going out of my mind and had probably jumped into tons of conclusions. All these may have been just conincidences and Stardoll might have just been in-synch with our subconscious (although it's almost 3 years apart).
But just this morning, here's what made me jump right out of my skin:
scroll down
...and don't batter an eyelash
I've worn that exact same gown for one of our 2 year old teasers back in August of 2008!
Click here to read the entire post.
Coincidence or not, It's actually nice to know that the website we all love, loved and learning to love actually take time to listen to what we want and look at us outside our suites (thanks to the proliferation of blogs all over Stardoll!).
To sum it all up, I am so loving everything Stardoll's given us.
From the black Panther.
Down to the Lime Ruffle Dior Gown.
Thanks Stardoll!
November 14, 2010
Bubblyminty's Unofficial Banner
Bubblyminty is a talented Chinese~Vietnamese girl from Great Britain. A musician, a food lover & a wild shopper, Jenny, as she is known to her close friends, aspires to be a lawyer soon. She has been a Stardoll member since February 2007 & has a suite that boasts of such creativity!
Welcome to the MDM family!
Free Harajuku interior
I look at my mail, seeing that half of it is worthless chainmail, cheats etc.
I begin to read through them all, then I re-read one, originally thinking that it was some sort of cheat.
No, it wasn't a "cheat", it contained the code that allowed me to unlock the fabulous Harajuku interior. This is no ordinary interior one just buys on Stardoll.
Being quite skeptical about the code the mail contained, I quickly made another account to see if this really worked, to my surprise it did! I then done this on my own account...and voila, there was my interior waiting in my suite!
Be quick, it is probably only a matter of moments before Stardoll suss this out, or maybe not.
Note: The club seems to only allow members from The United Staes of America or Great Britain to join, if you are not from those countries, just change your country and join, then you can switch it back to your original country after obtaining the suite interior.
November 11, 2010
Noelle's Unofficial Banner
I told you I enjoy doing this.
An intricately detailed set of pools framed by a strong earthy make-up. The cheeks are tainted with a hint of blush & the lips are polished with a subtle sheer lacquer.
I still had to get Noelle's nod if she was as enthusiastic at this edit as much I am, & thankfully, she LOVED it!
And I also re-edited my previous unofficial banner. Nothing huge but I just corrected the shadows & adjusted the hues.
These are still unofficial edits & don't you think this is way too large to use as a banner everytime we post an article? Noelle & I have been thinking how to re-size this without really having to splice more than half of it.
Also, I shall be doing all the banners for each of our writers, future co-writers & hopefully, graphic artists so if you want to be a part of our team, leave us a note at the Comments Section. We'd love to hear from you!
Great Hera!
I recently just found the joys of the Camera Feature at the PARTY at Stardoll & I have been longing for my photos to be attached at my profile. FINALLY, it can be done! And I am TRULY AMAZED at how crisp close-ups can be!
3 years ago, Stardoll used to allow random jpegs to be uploaded at our presentations but apparently, some people have abused this kindness reason why Stardoll stripped us all with it.
But now, after what seemed to be an endless pursuit of the PERFECT shot, I contented myself with a single photo which I proudly attached on my
Stardoll Presentation
And being the person with an inexplicably high satisfaction level , I just had to edit this original photo if I was going to use it as a banner for my column here at
Mémoires Of A MeDoll. So I quickly perused through my laptop's editing programs & tweaked this shot a little bit.
I'll be doing Noelle next but I so enjoyed doing this project that I am seriously thinking of choosing a girl to have her MeDoll edited like this. So, I am encouraging everyone to leave their suggested MeDoll at the Comments Section as to who will be the next girl I will be taking a whirl at. And I do have a couple of girls in mind.
I wish our Stardoll virtual selves will have this kind of realism to them. It's like breathing life to a MeDoll reminiscent of that of Queen Hippolyta to her clay baby.
Wonder Woman